thank you… next?

If you know me well, you know what happened. My time in Brooklyn ended, and so did my journey with Foundation. For the first time, I am openly sharing this change. It was a tough decision for everyone involved, and I am deeply grateful for my time at Foundation. From hosting Twitter spaces with incredible artists to writing copy for our blogs, I enjoyed every minute of it.

My close friends, as always, showed me love and support. I was pleasantly surprised by the encouragement from my wider social media community. This shows the impact I made as a Content Marketing Manager at Foundation. The feedback from former co-workers, builders, and co-founders has been incredibly positive.

Many reached out with future opportunities and offers for consulting on their projects. I didn’t realize my writing, skills, and network would be so helpful so quickly.

With many calls scheduled, a couple of interviews on the calendar, wonderful Portuguese food, and the company of my three dogs and family, my heart, belly, and spirits are full.

I am so grateful to those who reached out, retweeted my announcement, commented on it, or liked it. Feeling seen during such a hard time meant more than I will ever be able to express.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone I had the pleasure to work with, directly or indirectly. My past in competitive sports taught me to create friendships and connections that fostered a willingness to go the extra mile for my team and teammates. I am about to namecheck quite a few people, and if I miss anyone, it’s not intentional–these are those with whom I interfaced the most on Slack or campaigns:

  • Rob: We both ended our journey at the same time, but our friendship goes way back. I was honored to work with someone as competent, driven, cool, and above all–kind. Your genuine support for artists and the space is palpable and converted into gains through your incredible reliability and social reach. Wherever you head next will be a much better place with your presence.

  • Junnie: My dear, good friend, and hot girl walk companion. We were in the trenches together, supporting each other with nearly everything. Professionally, it was a delight to work with you. Personally, our growing friendship is something I treasure most from my time at Foundation. I know we chat often and will see each other soon. But you know I love writing and complimenting people I like, so here’s a beautiful culmination of both.

  • Jaysa: My manager and guide through my time with the company. You were always so cool, calm, and collected, even when our campaigns reached top stress levels. Thank you for always being open to my often unhinged ideas and letting my creative streak shine through. Your support was always appreciated, and I will always be grateful.

  • Jon: The coolest, chillest, most wonderful designer I’ve ever had the delight of working with. Your love for the monochromatic and your Boston Terrier immediately signaled how awesome a person you are. Thank you for making my weird requests a reality and for creating some of the coolest graphics ever. Brainstorming with someone so proficient at channeling creativity into a finished design/product was truly inspiring. Long live your V-necks, and may Skype never turn off your B&W filter.

  • Max: One of my favorite co-workers because he really got my sense of humor. And also because he was excellent at his job, incredible at negotiating with vendors, and pulled off awesome data requests super quickly and ingeniously. It was wonderful working with such a joyful, fun person who’s just as competent as they are fun.

  • Matt: Hellorrrr! My now former neighbor and awesome Head of Design. Your vision and guidance were always super inspiring. Your ability to encourage my creativity and openness to letting me design a bunch of memes and assets was really meaningful and boosted my confidence in my abilities.

  • Matheus: Meu amigo, nós nunca estivemos num projecto juntos, mas eu adorei todas as nossas conversas e calls em que falávamos português. Você sabe que está convidado para visitar Portugal sempre que quiser. Your engagement with any posts I shared on Slack was not only noticed but thoroughly appreciated.

  • Evan: You’re literally one of my favorite Twitter accounts to follow. Your wit, kindness, and ability to make everyone feel part of the team with simple gestures like a Zoom emoji, reaction, or Slack comment was something I noticed immediately. I will stay in touch regardless because you’re so fun and also love trash TV and Charli XCX.

  • Danielle: The first person I ever met and a ray of sunshine. Thank you for seeing my abilities and skills and being the gateway to this opportunity. It was wonderful seeing how positively engaged you always were with me and my initiatives. I’m very grateful.

  • Sayeed: Not only an awesome co-worker (who was a rockstar during the Babes campaign), but an awesome person. As soon as he found out the news, he immediately sent his support my way. From sending kind words my way to connecting me with people who may be interested in working with me, Sayeed was wonderful through and through. You can always tell when there’s a great dad in our midst because they tend to always pull through for others. Thank you, Sayeed. And I hope your family’s holiday to Portugal happens soon rather than later!

  • Phil: A.k.a. Visceral Phil. My top collector and one of the most proactive social media engagers on the Foundation accounts. Seeing someone from a completely different side of the company always showing support on socials was so nice, and I always noticed it. Thank you for always being so nice and for always collecting my memes. (You’re forgiven for introducing Kraft parmesan into my knowledge orbit).

  • Laurence: Thank you for coming through with a last-minute Babes mixtape. It was fantastic, and I added a bunch of new songs to my library. Also, thank you for being a collector of my memes.

  • Chris Biron: Thank you for sending me a message mentioning how you found my rodeo meme funny– it may have been a small interaction, but it meant a lot, as you can see!

  • Chris Collins: Eagle-eyed and an Ops genius. Thank you for always being such a readily available colleague and a wonderful translator of complicated terms into digestible concepts.

  • Kayvon: Thank you for being a mentor and for all the feedback. You pushed me to become better and to channel my creativity. Your encouragement for my next chapter was greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. I was indeed, mentally and spiritually prepared to work at a startup, and I already am again. As you said, my resilience is palpable… This time is no exception! Thank you.

To those of you I didn’t mention by name: it’s not because you didn’t leave an impact on me. It’s because I’m doing this out of my recent memory. I am tremendously grateful to you all.

Thank you.

[now, onwards and upwards]


beauty and the break


bye Brooklyn. olá Lisboa.